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Summerhill School

Summerhill School

Constellation - Student Led Newspaper

The Constellation is a student led newspaper that aims to achieve a cooperative environment, informing the Summerhill community about past, present and future events and opportunities.

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  • 24/09/18

    The Constellation and You

    Charlie Jeavons, announcing the start of an exciting year.
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  • 22/06/18

    The House Championship

    Tom Dipple, with a report on the House Championship.
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  • 12/06/18

    Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

    Lucy Jones, with the adventure of the Duke of Edinburgh award.
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  • 07/06/18

    Spring Concert

    Charlie Jeavons, reporting on a glorious celebration of talent.
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  • 04/06/18

    The Royal Wedding

    Melissa Vuranlar, reporting on the Royal Wedding
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  • 22/05/18

    Revision Tips

    Iman Gheefor, giving us some revision advice.
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  • 15/05/18

    Down’s Syndrome Day

    Siân Groom, sharing Summerhill's success.
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  • 03/05/18

    Avengers: Infinity War Review

    Hannah Forrest and Nelly Brown, on the new Avengers film.
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  • 30/04/18

    Shakespeare Day

    Charlie Jeavons, reporting on a day of Shakespeare inspired events.
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  • 20/04/18

    School of Rock: Our Journey

    Harvey Dalloway, with an inside look at the show!
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  • 20/04/18

    The Constellation Launches!

    A student publication, informing the Summerhill community about life, events and opportunities.
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