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Summerhill School

Summerhill School

KS3 Exams

Formal examinations are undertaken in English, Maths, and Science. These will take place late in the Spring Term or Summer Term. These exams were conducted under formal conditions, adhering strictly to standard exam regulations.

These exams serve multiple important purposes:

  1. Progress Assessment: These examinations allow us to evaluate your child's understanding and application of the core concepts taught in these subjects. It helps us determine their strengths and areas where further support may be required.
  2. Preparation for Future Examinations: By providing students with the experience of sitting formal exams, we aim to familiarise them with the examination process, including revision, time management, exam techniques, and coping with exam-related stress. This prepares them for the upcoming challenges they will face in external examinations, such as GCSEs or equivalent qualifications.
  3. Target Setting: The results from these exams enable us to set individualised academic targets for each student, tailored to their specific needs and abilities. This helps us create effective strategies to support and challenge students appropriately in their studies moving forward.
  4. Curriculum Evaluation: The data collected from these exams assists us in evaluating the effectiveness of our curriculum, teaching methods, and resources. It provides valuable insights that help us refine our teaching practices and improve the overall educational experience for our students.

It is important to note that these exams should be viewed as a part of the broader assessment process. They are not intended to solely determine your child's academic abilities or future prospects. Summerhill places great emphasis on a holistic approach to education, taking into consideration various forms of assessment, classwork, projects, and participation throughout the academic year. Please see the breakdown of Key Competencies (KCs).

We understand that exams can be a source of stress for students, and we strive to create a supportive environment where they feel encouraged to do their best without undue pressure. Should you wish to discuss your child's exam results or any other related matters, please feel free to contact the school office. Specific contact details can be found here: (Who to Contact).